Tuesday, June 06, 2006


Finally, some rain.

Greetings all. Today the wet stuff fell and all the locals rain for cover. We just stood in it to cool down as the temp remains around 30c. Yesterday we went on a night safari but did not see too much as it was rather dark but did meet a snake and some strange cat-like thingy. We also saw a display by a tribe of Borneo tribesmen which included a bit of blow-darting. Trish got selected from the audience to fire a dart at one of the men who held a balloon between his thighs, just under Jim and the twins. Fortunately she proved to be a good shot...Lots of fire-eating, darting and stuff all washed down with a cold beer. A good, but late night but who cares. We're on ollie-day.

Today we went to Sentosa Island which is a kind of pleasure island with 3D cinema and luge rides. There is also an underwater world where you walk through a glass tunnel with sharks swimming about the place. (Sure I saw a mother-in-law in one of those tanks...) Trish seems to have conquered her fear of heights as we got to the island by cable car...

Trish and I take a stroll. No, the frog did not take the picture. Flippers cannot work buttons. We met a nice American couple on honeymoon who kindly obliged.

The food continues to be good and very very inexpensive. Still lots to do. Now we will go and have a bit of a snooze as the temp. gets very bad around 3/4 p.m. here.


Me and she


Anonymous said...

England cricket fans are forlorn
Sri Lanka won and the series drawn
All that could have eased the pain
Was your sending some of that rain!

Anonymous said...

We like the sound of all those fishy dishy things - particularly the catch-your-own variety. Please air mail via next available flight. Our contribution to yesterday's menu - the tail end of a Mickey, literally.

Anonymous said...

If I could, I’d send you a wonderful card I picked up yesterday. It’s a line drawing of three daleks looking at a flight of stairs. Caption: ‘Well, this certainly buggers our plan to conquer the universe’.

Anonymous said...

If I could, I’d send you a wonderful card I picked up yesterday. It’s a line drawing of three daleks looking at a flight of stairs. Caption: ‘Well, this certainly buggers our plan to conquer the universe’.

Anonymous said...

Hi Anthony here, sorry I haven't been to keep up to date with your adventure....I'll snatch a few minutes over the next few days and read up on all your exploits, hope the three of you are having a ball and i'll talk to you soon

Anonymous said...

Was thinking of you this morning as I entered a football competition for the first time since we all did Fantasy Fottball together. This time I have entered a Trinity House internal thingy predicting scores for the first round, first team to have a player sent off, and predicting quarter finalists. Fortunately, there are prizes for coming 250th or 300th so I stand a chance!

Dad is on his way to Guys for keyhole surgery on his lung but is in pretty good spirits.

Summer has started here, but should be over by the time you come back.

Anonymous said...

Received an email from Chris Bliss. His Abbey Road sequence got 20-30 million hits! He has a gig in Washington on 26th June. Leave a message if you want more details.